The LP Christkindlmarkt is a project of the Lower Paxton Community Foundation
Our magical children’s area, KinderWorld offers an enchanting FREE experience for our youngest visitors, filled with festive activities, creative crafts, and holiday-themed games between Mellow Minded Cafe and Treasures From Home. Hosted by CD East German Honor Students
Capture a magical moment with Santa and Mrs. Claus on the porch of Treasures From Home! Get your Reindeer Food to put out Christmas Eve from the Elves of Linglestown Middle School Honor Society.
Note: supplies are limited, activity times very.
Create a bookmark, chase some bubbles, and read a book!
Discover the fun while you explore Science!
Celebrate different holiday traditions with the Holliday Hullaballo (show at 11am)
Matthew tells stories through personalized song, educating while entertaining! (1-3pm)
The Lower Paxton Christkindlmarkt
The Lower Paxton Christkindlmarkt is a project of the Lower Paxton Community Foundation. The Lower Paxton Community Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) with the Internal Revenue Service.